Sunday, 7 September 2008

The Deal

Yesterday, the man who's criticised as a weak PM had the final laugh. He had to sell it to every one, starting from his party high command to the snobby left. The soft spoken and suave PM was compelled to learn politics. And now, true to his academic back ground, he has graduated in it with excellent grades.So first of all, good show Mr.PM. Now coming to the deal itself, as Mr.Brijesh Misra said, this ends India's isolation in Nuclear Commerce. France and Russia are more than willing to take the first mover advantage. If some one really wondered why US had to go that extra mile in persuading nations to the waiver, there is no single answer. The most obvious being the market. It opens a $100 billion industry. Not a small one baby... Looking ahead I see a lot of challenges.Building reactors, buying technology ....all this is going to require a lot of money. How India is going to manage this finance will actually decide it's economic independence. This may take us to a point of no return where the local industrial growth gets deeply entangled with the foreign policy. India should develop alternate energy sources to reduce her dependence on one source. There is no provision for storing the fuel material.It's product in and product out. In case of dispute even the technology is returnable.As India cannot give away its testing option, it should formulate a plan that could be used in contingency ,which may arise at any time. Domestic development of technology should be given a fillip to mitigate the threats of withdrawal. This is a deal which has to be handled properly to reduce chances of making it a self -made trap.